Today’s Newsflash


Winter Hours: From 26/10/24 the carpark is locked at 5.30pm. The Visitor Centre closes at 5pm.  Café is open until 3pm, or 4pm during weekends and the school holidays. Please note, the waterplay feature is closed Monday mornings for routine cleaning and maintenance.


Big Bronze Age Boat Build Launch!

Home > Big Bronze Age Boat Build Launch

A National Lottery Heritage fund has enabled a 3-year project exploring the Bronze and Iron Age heritage of Stanwick Lakes, with the Big Bronze Age Boat Build allowing volunteers and the community to explore how our ancient ancestors used materials to survive. The project will embrace experimental archaeology, working with only replica bronze tools and ancient techniques to create a log boat that would have been a common sight on waterways over 4,000 years ago.

Stanwick Lakes Heritage has partnered with Dr James Dilley for this exciting project, an experienced experimental archaeologist specialising in the Stone Age and Bronze Age. He founded Ancient Craft to focus on educating and reconnecting people to their prehistoric heritage, and he shares and supports our belief that archaeology and heritage should be accessible for all.


Follow us on our boat build journey, and join us for the big launch – 21st July – details below!

Project Updates

Follow along with the latest news and progress from the #BigBronzeAgeBoatBuild via our blog and volunteer diaries!

The Big Bronze Age Boat Launch!
21st July 2024, 11am – 4pm


This experimental archaeology project will really test the waters of anything that has been tried before, and we set sail on Sunday, July 21. Come celebrate Northamptonshire’s amazing history with us!

You’ll get to see our boats take to the water and try authentic heritage activities, hands-on. There will be bronze casting demos to see how we made the tools, and don’t miss the Bronze Age-style tool ‘sacrifice’ for a bit of fun before the launch.

It’s going to be a fantastic day filled with history and excitement!

Key Timings:
11.30: Bronze Casting with Dr. James Dilley of Ancient Craft
1.30: The Big Launch! Followed by a regatta of historical & modern water craft


All Day: 
Discover Must Farm with Cambridgeshire Archaeological Unit
Viking longship & children’s crafts
Ancient textiles with Northants Guild of Spinners, Weavers & Dyers
Medieval-style coracle boats with Michael Brown; The Medieval Pilgrim
Explore ancient food: A historical timeline for your taste buds 


Big Bronze Age Boat Build: The Launch!

On 21st July 2024, against the beautiful backdrop of Solstice Lake, the Big Bronze Age Boat Launch commenced. The event was a celebration of the Boat Build project, but also a celebration of the rich history of the site. Visitors enjoyed exploring historical foods,...

Big Bronze Age Boat Build: Experiences of an Archaeologist

As the exciting Big Bronze Age Boat Build continues into 2024, it is exciting to see the shape of the boats develop and start to look more and more like actual vessels. So far, it has taken over 600 hours of physical work to turn the lime trees into what are very soon...

Big Bronze Age Boat Build – A Boat Builder’s Journey

The Big Bronze Age Boat Build has been a fascinating project so far, but how has it been for the volunteers involved...? Aidan Phillips tells us more My name is Aidan Phillips, having been born in Lincolnshire my parents eventually settled in Northants in the early...

The build is underway!

Wow, what an exciting two weekends we have had at Stanwick Lakes with the Big Bronze AGE Boat Build! Weekend 1 saw the launch of the boat build, with the volunteers being guided by Dr James Dilley. Logs were stripped of bark and the shaping of the logs started with...

Coming soon… A bronze Age boat!

Big Bronze Age Boat Build – Stanwick Lakes An ambitious heritage project to build a Bronze Age replica log boat using only traditional tools and techniques is taking place at Stanwick Lakes this year. Supported by Dr James Dilley of Ancient Craft, the project will see...

Made possible by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, thanks to National Lottery players!